Mar 14, 2015

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How simple minded can you be? Simple is straightforward. This is what needs to be done and this is how we do it. Put up and shut up, or get out of the way! It's easier and more convenient to get lost in a committee that appreciate your complexity. So, I dare say that a simple person who is delighted with his simple faith is, well, simply simplistic.

But being simple is sometimes the toughest thing. (If you are really intelligent then you can shock everyone when this apparently simple person comes out with an amazingly witty, clever, deep comment.) Yes, I would say that I'm simple and I lead a very simple life. I love the way I live, and there's nothing confusing about me. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that I don't have to do what everyone else is doing. I have reached a point in life where I feel there is no longer necessary to try and impress anyone. If they like me the way I am, GOOD! and if they don't, it's their LOSS!

Oh, and by the way, I'm 21 and I'm very fond of fashion but I only put one or two kind of make-up product. But still, being completely simple is the greatest of all in my opinion. But if you're interested in latest fashion and all that, that's not bad either! but I would definitely go for being simple. Hahaha. My friend got me into make-up stuff and all, but I'm trying my best in being simple because I wanna look great and pretty when I'm older. I guess, everyone would absolutely agree with me, right?

Simple person walks with their eyes open, speaks with a straight tong, follows a straight path and is not enticed by greed. (and this is exactly I portray.....) So if being simple is stupid, I would rather be stupid and have a good conscious and clean hands than be considered cosmopolitan. We should be confident. Too many days were wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. If this is how you think, feel, and act, then you are simple and that is very GOOD!