Mar 24, 2016

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Living in a fragmented reality where things change around us at breakneck speed, it seems fitting that we long for authenticity. They say history tends to repeat itself, and I think this statement holds true in the case of fashion. I read somewhere that trends usually go on a 30-year cycle, and true enough, the '80s and 90s have come back rather strong these past couple years.

I was born in early '90s which mean I spent most of my conscious childhood from the '90s early to '00s. During my teenage days coming home with a new item of clothing, I distinctly remember my mother constantly proclaiming that she "had one just like that when she was young." While this is perhaps not what a teenager wants to hear, I've started to find myself saying similar things after witnessing the barrage of young women getting around in grunge inspired dresses, cut-offs and etc.

With outfits chosen mostly by our Moms, let's just say we were not the coolest kids on the playground. But it's funny how fashions change over time, because today, dusting off some of those same looks can make you the chicest woman in the room. So the next time you're browsing through your old photos and looking for a perfect #TBT,don't forget that your childhood self actually had some serious style credibility. Through there are some throwback styles we would definitely rather forget.

The moment I wear this dress, I was instantly hit with childhood nostalgia. It was only natural for me to pair it with other trends like wearing a white shoes and a tiny bag. What kind of items do you remember wearing when you were a kid?